Vibrant CA Polypody Ferns Come Alive In Winter

Once the fall rains start, the bright green fronds of California polypody fern appear. Staying lush and green until the weather turns dry and summery, the fronds wither and disappear once their roots dry out. Polypodies grow from rhizomes on moss covered tree trunks, logs, rocks, cliffs and sometimes even dirt, expanding to form large patches. On the underside of the fronds you can see the sori, small bumps containing spores. When conditions are right, the released spores will grow into new plants. A look alike is licorice fern, with rhizomes that taste like licorice. You will have to wait until summer to tell the difference, as the licorice fern is evergreen and does not die back in summer. The scientific name of California polypody is Polypodium californicum. The scientific name of licorice fern is Polypodium glycyrrhiza. Both are in the family Polypodiaceae.